Common Causes of Social Media Disconnects

Constantly refreshing your social media profiles can be a real time-drain. Here's what to do.

Constantly refreshing your social media profiles can be a real time-drain. But it's essential to ensure account security across different social media platforms.

Common Causes of Social Media Disconnects

While there can be various platform-specific triggers for social media disconnects, it's important to understand the main culprits. Here are the most common causes:

  • Changing the main password for your admin account or page

  • Access token expiration

  • Loss of portal access for the user who linked the profile as an admin

  • Removal of admin privileges from the user who linked the profile

  • Overwriting of account permissions recently granted to DotSimple while connecting to a different social profile with lower account permissions

  • Standard security checks on third-party applications by social media platforms like Facebook

  • Connectivity restrictions imposed by third-party apps like X (Twitter)

  • Changes to the Social Media platform API

Disconnection Reasons for Each Platform and How to Fix Them

DotSimple supports various social media platforms, each with slightly different ways of securing user accounts. This guide will help you understand the common causes of disconnection and provide effective troubleshooting tips.


Top Disconnection Causes:

  • Expired Access Tokens

  • Changes in Facebook API

  • Altered account permissions

  • Routine changes from Facebook

  • Password updates

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Reconnect your Facebook account with DotSimple to refresh Access Tokens. Look for the “Reconnect” tab and click to refresh your access token and restore account connection.

  2. Ensure you've granted appropriate permissions to DotSimple in Facebook → Integrations (access via your private admin account, not the FB settings page).

  3. If results are not as expected, remove the DotSimple app from Facebook → Business Integrations. Then, reconnect your Facebook profiles.


Top Disconnection Causes:

  • Expired access tokens

  • Changes in Instagram API

  • Modified account permissions

  • Password changes

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Reconnect your Instagram account with DotSimple to refresh Access Tokens. Look for the “Reconnect” tab and click to refresh your access token and restore account connection.

  2. Visit the “Settings” tab in your Instagram account to ensure you've granted account access to DotSimple.

X (Twitter)

Top Disconnection Causes:

  • Expired access tokens (Note: X (Twitter) tokens don't have expiry dates or lifespans, unless used for spamming recently)

  • Changes in X (Twitter) API

  • Altered account permissions

  • Connection limitations

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Reconnect your X (Twitter) account with DotSimple to refresh Access Tokens. Look for the “Reconnect” tab and click to refresh your access token and restore account connection.

  2. Head to the “Settings” tab in your X (Twitter) account to ensure you've granted account access to DotSimple.


Top Disconnection Causes:

Expired access tokens

Changes in LinkedIn API

Modified account permissions

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Reconnect your Linkedin account with DotSimple to refresh Access Tokens. Look for the “Reconnect” tab and click to refresh your access token and restore account connection.

  2. Visit the “Settings” tab in your LinkedIn account to ensure you've granted account access to DotSimple.

YouTube and Google My Business

  • Expired Access Tokens

  • Changes in YouTube/Google My Business API

  • Modified account permissions

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure you can access your YouTube/Google My Business accounts as a manager.

  • Check if your YouTube/Google My Business account is verified and published.

  • Reconnect your YouTube/Google My Business account through DotSimple.

Top Solutions for Maintaining Social Media Connection

Now that you're armed with troubleshooting insights, let's dive into the best practices to ensure consistent social media connection:

  1. Stay Active: Log into your DotSimple account regularly and engage with each social media platform to keep them active and avoid disconnections.

  2. Refresh Access Tokens: As tokens expire over time, refresh your account connection. Disconnect and reconnect your profile if needed.

  3. Grant Correct Permissions: Ensure DotSimple has the right permissions for all connected social media platforms. New Facebook profiles must have the necessary permissions to prevent overwriting old ones.

  4. Review Admin Panel: Regularly check granted access to DotSimple in your admin panel for each social media platform to maintain connectivity.

  5. Watch API Updates: Be aware of API updates from different social media platforms, as they can lead to temporary disconnections.

  6. Strengthen Security: Secure your login details and consider enabling two-factor authentication. This minimizes the risk of disconnections due to frequent credential updates.

  7. Team Communication: Keep communication open with team members about their activities on your social media platforms to prevent inadvertent actions leading to disconnections.

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