In order for you to connect Microsoft 365 corporate accounts, you need admin permissions. Please follow the steps below on how to grant them:
1. Go to your Azure Admin portal and go to Microsoft Entra ID > Enterprise applications > Consent and permissions > Select the option “Allow user consent for apps”
2. Navigate to Admin consent settings > Select request reviewers (who will be able to grant access to your Microsoft 365 users)
3. Once there, select the users:
4. Go back to DotSimple to Connect your Microsoft 365 account. You will be prompted with an approval notification:
In your justification you can add any information, for example "I need access to this application".
5. Once the request is sent, you will see that your account is connected with an error.
6. Go back to Azure, and navigate to Enterprise applications > Admin consent requests
7. You will see the request for the user that they sent previously from DotSimple. Click on it and then, review permissions and consent
8. Pick admin account
9. And accept:
10. Go back to DotSimple and disconnect the email that you tried to integrate previously:
11. And create the integration again by selecting "Continue with Microsoft". This time, the integration will be completed. You can check this guide to finalise the integration.